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I'm Julian

I have always enjoyed seeing life's big picture; a giant jigsaw puzzle, waiting to be solved.  


I was an insatiably curious kid, asking 'why' and 'how' more times than I care to mention. This curiosity for learning led me into university, then into technology firms and, on into financial services for 20 years where I provided consulting and in-house services for a range of global companies. Most recently, I continue to be a consultant to global companies and am an alumni of the world-renowned Henley Business School's Centre for Coaching.


The common thread running through all of my experience has been the same as at the start of my life: why? And, how? 


To each situation, whether it is a consulting assignment, a coaching engagement or an informal chat, I bring the same key skills that have served me well throughout my life


  • Perspective: being able to provide wise counsel to others, and having ways of looking at the world that makes sense to others; the ability to 360 a problem.

  • Creativity: thinking of new and novel ways to conceptualise and do things.

  • Curiosity: an interest in learning, exploring and experiencing novel things; approaching problems with wonder and fascination with their resolution. 

  • Appreciation of excellence: striving for excellence and valuing the highly skilled performance of others; appreciating the beauty in the world.

  • Leadership: encouraging individuals or groups to get things done. Championing others to follow a common vision. Building a healthy team, system or community. 


Through this website, I want to share my observations, knowledge and experience to benefit others. I have written some guides and I publish a newsletter on topics that interest me and, I hope, add value to you.

It's all free. I hope you find it useful. 

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